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What is Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a common multiple pigmented skin.The disease to local or generalized depigmentation is characterized by the formation of white spots, is a way to get localized or generalized onset skin depigmentation disorder is a common skin disease affects the beauty, easy diagnosis, treatment difficult. Chinese medicine called "vitiligo" or "white split the wind.Vitiligo is an acquired skin depigmentation limitations white patches, the local skin was alphoid. Medicine such lesions are usually called depigmentation.The disease occurs throughout the world, the highest incidence in India. The incidence of about 10 million people in China can involve all races, male and female incidence was not statistically different.


The reduction in the number of melanocytes in the skin disappear even lead to the occurrence of vitiligo, a specific mechanism is not clear. Now that there are several possibilities: abnormal nerve cell function generates on melanocytes toxic substances, dysfunction of the body's immune system attack and destroy the melanocytes or melanocytes own shortcomings in the process of melanogenesis itself toxic byproducts, in addition to the vitiligo patients may have a certain genetic defects, it is easy to destroy the melanocytes.

Clinical manifestations

Vitiligo is depigmentation white spots or patches. The surrounding normal skin. De-pigmentation ranging from a few millimeters to a few centimeters in size, in advanced lesions can be gradually expanded, and there are always new de-pigmentation occur. In patients with lighter skin, white spots may be obvious, but the dark-skinned people, the color contrast is very clear. Wood lamp, vitiligo position very clear boundaries with the surrounding skin. Vitiligo can involve any part of the body, usually bilateral symmetrical distribution. The hair whitening chance 10% -60%. The high incidence of vitiligo, 1-2 cases in every 100 people in China. Half of them before the 20-year-old began lesions appear, about 1/5 of the people have a family history. The majority of patients with vitiligo in good physical condition.

Pathological changes

Vitiligo lesions at the complete lack of melanocytes and melanin granules dopa staining positive melanocytes in the basal layer of absence. The differential diagnosis of tinea versicolor hypopigmentation spots, skin lesions are more concentrated in the trunk and proximal extremities can be scaly, microscopic examination can be found. Fungi. The anemia mole as part of the pigment faded spots, lighter in color and usually appear after birth, friction redness local, Wood lamp and normal skin boundary is not clear.